Infinity Dream Awards

Thank you Mari of Story and Somnomancy for the tag! If you aren’t following her, you should. She’s one of my favorite reading/writing buddies, and frequently posts food that looks ah-mazing!

The Rules

  • Thank and link the blog that nominated you
  • Tell us 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the questions that were set for you to answer
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them

The Facts

  1. One of the biggest deciding factors in my move to NYC was that I wanted to get rid of my car and never own one again.
  2. I refused to read Harry Potter for about a year or two after I heard about it for the first time because my elementary best friend told me she preferred it to Animorphs, my favorite series at the time.
  3. I am a bit of a movie snob, but I will make time for really crappy, really cheesy Christmas movies always. And I always tear up. The Hallmark Channel is currently my best friend.
  4. I actually win contests more frequently than a person probably should. I have won at least 5 that I can remember off the top of my head.
  5. I majored in English because I wasn’t skipping my Literature classes. I never had any intention of doing so, and I don’t find writing/papers to be my strongest skill.
  6. I crochet because I find it relaxing and productive at the same time.
  7. I have a mild addiction to make-up and hair products. I feel my hair is my best quality.
  8. I am so in love with love, but I actually don’t think I’ll ever actively seek it. I’m fine with this.
  9. I love making lists and notebooks. I have never finished an entire notebook, and I keep them for separate things.
  10. I have a very healthy understanding and don’t fear death, which people tend to find weird.
  11. I am pretty sure I am allergic to wine, which has led my to branching out in different alcohol tastings.

The Answers

  1. How would you prefer to arrange your bookshelves? As mine currently has no organization other than a very light “these books are kind of alike,” “these are kind of the same size,” and “do I want people to know that I own this?” I’d love to do by color or by rating, once I’ve read all the books I own (bahahahahaha…)
  2. Are you an outdoor or an indoor reader? Or, do you read by mood?  Hm. Right now I am a subway reader and couch reader. Prior to my move, I read while walking on the treadmill or while walking the mall primarily and still was a couch reader. So I guess this makes me an indoor reader?
  3. What type of book can you never get enough of even though you probably should give it a break and move on to something else for a bit? Dystopias tend to always be in my books to read or currently reading. Used to be mysteries…I kind of miss mysteries. And for awhile it was post-modernism fiction. And one point it was vampire novels. So I go through pretty natural waves. I’ve been in a dystopian one since May though….might be time to move on.
  4. If you could choose the movie/TV cast members for your favorite book, who would you cast for your five favorite characters? Since I’m currently reading the second Grim Reaper book by Christopher Moore, I think I shall cast the first, A Dirty Job, as it is one of my favorite books.
    • Charlie Asher: David Gareth Lloyd
    • Minty Fresh: Rick Fox
    • Jane Asher: Leighton Meester
    • Audrey: Rachel McAdams
    • Detective Rivera: Benjamin Bratt
    • Lily: Hayden Panettiere (especially Scream 4 Hayden!)
    • The widows: Kate Mulgrew and Emily Kuroda
    • The Morrigan: Shay Mitchell, Natalie Dormer and Janel Parrish
  5. If you could merge two of your favorite animals, which two would they be? (Weird question, but in my defense, I was thinking of polar bear dogs from The Legend of Korra…) Ooooh tough one. My favorite animals are moose and penguins, which would make a very, very strange animal. But both live in the cold, so it couldn’t be too bad? Just…quite possible ugly as can be.
  6. Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Cold weather. But everyone says I haven’t really felt the cold weather, so ask me again come April.
  7. What is your favorite fictional world? Harry Potter. This is my comfort, it’s like an old friend.
  8. What do you usually like to do besides reading? I crochet — primarily hats — and I play(ed) lots of tennis. I like hiking, which has currently translated to walking the city. I love listening to podcasts too?
  9. Do you tend to like having accompanying visuals/artwork in your stories or can you go without? I can go without quite easily.
  10. Tea or coffee? Hot tea, primarily of the green variety (or cold with lemonade, yum!)
  11. Angels or demons? I was all demons, hands down, until I just thought of Castiel. But, I think at the end of the day, I would much rather be evil without feeling consequences I guess!

The Nominees 

Their New Questions

  1. What is your favorite hot winter drink?
  2. What are your feelings on fan fiction, and which kinds do you read? (Like what series…not the kind of fanfic…)
  3. Can you read with noise / the tv on, or do you have to have a silent, no distraction zone?
  4. Who is your current fictional character crush?
  5. Cake, cookies, ice cream or candy?
  6. What is your favorite tradition of any holiday?
  7. Weird pizza ingredients?
  8. Why did you decide to start blogging?
  9. What’s your preferred method for relaxing?
  10. Zombies, vampires, or warlocks?
  11. Here’s $50. You can’t spend it on something practical, like paying a bill. What do you spend it on?

11 responses to “Infinity Dream Awards”

  1. Congratulations on the award, and thank you for nominating my blog! I loved living in a city without a car. We’re in the suburbs now, but I avoid driving as much as possible (Thankfully, we’re within walking distance of two train stations).

    1. Thank you! I’m absolutely loving it.

  2. “I am so in love with love, but I actually don’t think I’ll ever actively seek it. I’m fine with this.”

    Lol omg ditto! I frelling adore the concept of romance and love watching couples eventually get together, but I haven’t really been compelled to find my own significant other. Those I leave to books, clearly *g*

    1. This makes me feel so much better! I’m hoping by announcing it, it’ll make writing romance and whatever easier. XD

  3. Thanks for the nomination! Allergic to wine, that’s kind of sad 😦 Are you allergic to grapes then?

    1. You know, I haven’t eaten any in awhile. All I know is that one glass can give me a headache that nothing can cure for the next 24-36 hours, but vodka, whiskey and beer do nothing to me. And it goes for both red and white. :/

  4. Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books Avatar
    Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books

    Loved this post! And thanks for nominating me! 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for the nomination. I don’t do award posts very often so I apologize now if it takes me a while to respond. Congratulations on your own nomination for the award. Happy reading!

  6. As I was reading your facts, I was like omg this is so me… I got into HP way after everyone else, but now I’m obsessed. Cheesy Christmas movies are my fav! (Ion might be the only channel I love more than Hallmark), I’m a crazy list lady, I just started my first crochet project this morning (it was a really simple coffee sleeve, but it looks a little rough), annnd I switched my major to English Lit for pretty much the same reason. hahaha. Anyways thanks for the nomination!

    1. Ion plays something other than Criminal Minds?! I’m going to have to look this up.

      Good luck on your crochet project! If you need yarn suggestions, I might be able to help. I haven’t unpacked my hooks yet, but I think I shall this weekend 🙂

      1. Oh yes, yes they do! Last year (maybe it was two years ago) Ion aired Christmas Belle, which was a Christmas Beauty and the Beast spin off, and it was soo cute. I loved it so much. But they make a lot of great cheesy movies just for Ion. & I might take you up on the yarn suggestion. I’m working with wool based yarn now and it’s kind of difficult to work with, so I’m not sure if it was the best to start out with! But it’s doing the trick for now!

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